IFS ERP- How to create quick report in IFS 10 ERP

 How to create a Quick Report in IFS 10

Who are trying to read this post eagerly I hope they are known about the IFS ERP. I am describing in this post how to create a quick report in IFS Application 10.

The steps for creating quick report in IFS 10 is mentioning below serially. 

  1.  Search in menu navigator for Quick Report or qui rep. 
  2.  Select Create New Quick Report and it will appear the window.
  3.  Put a meaningful 'Report Title' in the text field.   
  4.  Select Category from [...] (list)
  5.  Select Domain from [...] (list)
  6.  Choose Type from drop down menu
  7.  Click Save button to save the header information.12.
  8.  This will appear the Presentation Object.  
  9.  Put the sql query code in Query text box.
  10.  Press Save to save the Quick Report.
  11. Click Publish navigator for releasing the quick report for users.
  12. Click Manage Grants to handle the access permission the quick report as a presentation object  to the users. 
  13. In Presentation Object Grants you can manage it's Permission SetsUsersDatabase Objects etc.

14. You can use View Report navigator for viewing result of the quick report.

15. Click View Report that will appear a pop up window for input the dates. Enter the required and press OK.

Here we learn how to create quick report in IFS 10 and we will share the video in next modification. 


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